Speaking of good times, here are a few from the past summer that actually were spotted with BUC's camera.
We made it out to Ann Arbor for exactly one good street session and a couple good dirt sessions.

Myself, BUC, my bro, Stewy, John Reed, and Bryan originally met up to get in some runs at the park in Farmington before it opened. We got kicked out of there after 5 minutes by a park ranger we named Martha. We decided instead to go to the new trails in Ann Arbor. Shortly after this photo was taken, Bryan was injured but not by bmx. Ask him how when you see him.

Usually when we're in Ann Arbor, whether it's planned or not, we run into Thomas and Kris K. Thomas is a good guy and a good biker, regardless of wheel size. If you ever run into him at the Ann Arbor trails, be sure to thank him for his efforts and grab a shovel to keep running smooth.

Stewy was along for the ride and par the course he did things otherwise undoable.

We ran into Kris K and Scott Goss toward the end of the night. Kris K got a look in his eye and we figured some crazy shit was about to go down. You can't really tell in the photo but the sidewalk is banked ever so slightly. Kris K pedaled his ass off, boosted the shit out of a nearly non-existent bank, flew through the air for about 6ft., and pulled the smoothest wall ride on the side of a rickety dumpster. Stewy pulled it too but we weren't lucky enough to catch lightning twice.
A couple weeks later we went back to the trails.

My first double that didn't involve tumbling over a landing in a giant cloud of dust.
It had been over a year since we visited River Bends, so a month or so ago we pack up and headed out!

Cory was there and hardly touched the ground the whole time. I think he gets his special bmx abilities from never riding in jeans.

See if you don't wear tight pants, you too could do awesome stunts like this.

We're pretty sure that this fellow's name is Nick and we know for sure that this is a lookback air.

Bryan, fully recovered from the previously mentioned injury, performing a turndown over the hip as Bayliss looks on and Govan shows off his new ride.
Last week, in a last stitch effort to enjoy what is left of the warm weather, we went camping. One of our projects over the summer was to buy an old ass camper from the 80's, fix it up, and take it out on the rode. As you can see we were successful for the most part.

Behold our home away from home, a 1985 Viking Spirit 1600. This camper was probably built before you were born, but we don't care because it kicks ass. We camped in Ludington just because we wanted to be by the water. We found a nice concrete skatepark, so we were bummed because we didn't bring our bikes. Then when we saw all the bikers loitering around the perimeter of the park, we realized we weren't allowed to ride it anyway. The quarters looked super steep, but the setting right on the beach was awesome. I think we'll check back and see if there is some way to arrange a one day only bike event there. Perhaps the next year's veteran cookout can happen there????

Even though we didn't get to ride, it was still worth it.
We're sort of camping addicts now, we're thinking of going out to Muskegon in a couple weeks and going back to the Grand Haven Park, which was awesome except for some annoying little kids. Totally weather dependent of course, if it's below freezing, we're not camping no matter how old the camper is.
We'll update again soon, no worries!