Monday, October 13, 2008

Dirt Does Hurt

I really should have known better.  I got it in my itty-bitty brain that I wanted to clear a double and dammit, I was gonna try it regardless of any extenuating circumstances.  In retrospect, I should have tried a different jump first.  I thought about it for like 3 hours, did about 8 bitch runs, and then decided that I would be so pissed at myself on the way home if I didn't try it.  I cranked about half way up to the jump, got decent speed, and then stopped cranking for some reason.  I watched the lip get closer and in my head I was thinking, I should probably be going faster.  By body cleared the jump, in fact I think I landed flat.  Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for my bike.  My worst fear was realized and I nose cased into the back of the landing and then OTB causing a small sandstorm visible from yards away.  Once, I could breathe again and started recognizing the faces looking down at me I realized I was still in one piece.  I actually felt alright and thought about doing it again but decided better of it in the end. I felt a little sore by the time we left Scott's house.  But after sitting in an hour long traffic jam and then driving back for two hours I realized I had hit my shoulder harder than I thought.  When I woke up the day after, I found out I was fucked.  I could hardly turn my head and my shoulder was still throbbing, but at least nothing was broken (i think).  It could have been way worse and at least  I learned that I should keep my ass on the wooden ramps.  I blame everyone else for making that jump look so damn easy.

In all seriousness, despite my disaster attempt at riding dirt, it was an awesome time at birdland.  Much appreciation goes out to Scott, Gail, Noah, and Dylan for letting us come out and shred or at least try to.  Here are some of the pictures from Sunday, for more of buc's photos click HERE.
This one sums up the day nicely.

Fro, performing my dream stunt.  See how I'm watching in awe.

Hatfield in rare form.

Thankfully, everyone was eager to give a hand to keep the jumps smooth.

Jason Burton getting aquatinted.

Buc said it was like a reunion because he got to see so many people he hadn't seen for a while, Bran Block was one of them.

Rusty was super encouraging to me and also one of the first people to help me get up.  He's cool.

Baller took charge of this contraption.  A few years ago, Jeremy came out to TRP super psyched about a new front mag wheel and was sorely disappointed.  Not so this time.

Ground control to Major Moon.

Carmickle with the wind in his hair.

White Lotus aka Luke.

As usual, Stewy killed it and humped it too.

Big Baller and one of my favorite photos on the day.

It's a bird, it's a plane,'s a squirrel!

And, finally...the man who made it all possible.  

On the way home and standing still in traffic, Stewy decided to slip out and have a cig in the bed of the truck.  After some girls in another car bummed a cigarette from him the traffic started moving and he was stuck in the bed of the truck for a few miles.  While he was back there he called us on the phone to remind us he was back there.  Eventually we pulled over and let him back in the car.  

Overall, it was definitely a good day.   Trails make for good times whether you can ride them or not.