Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's a Christmas Miracle

It's a miracle because we've managed to update this site twice in less than a week.  The main purpose for this one is to fill you in on the upcoming jam at TRP.  
TRP needs you now more than ever so spread the word, post this flyer everywhere and be sure to make it out.  


Late Session
Saturday, December 27th

Happy Holidays to everyone out there!
See you at TRP!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Before the Year is Over...

First of all, yes we are still here.  Updates are difficult for newlyweds so we thank you for your patience.  2008 is ending and 2009 is coming in with style.  There is plenty of stuff to keep you busy in the coming weeks.

First of all,

There will be a NEW YEAR'S EVE ALL-NIGHTER at TRP.  I don't have all the details yet but these things never prove uneventful. You should be there.  Check back for more details on Monday!

Then on January 3rd.

Many of the girls in bmx will be at TRP January 3rd to bring back the momentum.  We all love the support so if you're able to make it out, please do.  Girls are coming in from all over the country so you won't be disappointed.

Then after that...
Ricky and Patti, two of the nicest people on earth, have kindly invited everyone out for a rent out at TRP to celebrate Ricky's 30th birthday.  If you're not there, you'll be sorry.  

If you say you're bored over the next couple weeks get your ass over to TRP, there's likely something going on there.

In other news...

Here are the best pictures from TRP during our little update hiatus.

Otto's been riding a lot lately and every time we see him he's having more fun on his bike than the last.

Kyle is a fine storyteller.  

Our boy. Terry's very first downside whip to tailtap caught on film.  They grow up so fast.

You can see Steve's pants from space.

Yesterday we finally made it out the the new old Modern Park.  It was a little bizarre to ride it because it was the same as the old one but kind of not the same. The hips are still my favorite.

It was good to see some faces we haven't seen for a while, especially JG and Dane who is back on his bike after a surgery threat was avoided.

Davey Coop as smooth as ever.

Craig has more tattoos than you do.

Chipper and Kevin could have been giving lessons in the mini.

We're going up north for the weekend...depending on the weather we might be back early enough on Sunday for a short TRP session.  We've been riding a lot more lately and should be commended (not really).

If you don't come to the girl's jam, I will be personally offended (not really again, but kind of)


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Restore the Roar

Once again winter is upon us and it is time to head indoors and stay there for the next 5 months.  

TRP is evolving nicely and constantly changing, adding, or subtracting ramps.  The ledge in the street room has been removed and the pyramid rebuilt.  Is is smooth as can be.  You're missing out by not riding it right now. 
There's gonna be a late jam this Friday to get you back in the mood. Details are as follows:


That's the best deal in town!

In other news:
Kevin hit the ceiling again,

And winter sucks.

See you Friday, right?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Jam

This update is for Dane, who has faithfully been checking this site for updates only to be disappointed repeatedly.  All of the work on the house is finally done and we can at least somewhat get back to our normal lives that involve much more riding than we've been doing lately.  I say this all the time but this time I really really mean it.
Dane's cane can be a lethal weapon, it is in your best interest to steer clear, I've seen it do some damage.

Dane is riding vicariously through others until his knee heals.
Phelps should have some of his medals taken away for causing this.
I thought Redford Steve's costume was hilarious, he barrowed the shirt from his sister and then they did their make-up together. Everyone else is just jealous of how pretty he is.

Who knew that the Geico gecko could do one hander no foot cans?
Stewy said this was a Michael Jackson costume and I laughed for about 5 straight minutes.

Nate Pow! 360 over the post.

Do a good trick and get $5--it was actually a really fun way to have a contest.  Stewy left like $50 richer.

Biker Ben wins best mullet wig.

Bayliss tailwhip fakie to a barspin on the wedge.  For Halloween Bayliss dressed up as a biker who wears tight pants and a white helmet.

Dane made everyone who said the words Mike Sinner do 10 push ups, including this girl who probably has no idea who Mike Spinner is. Next year, I'm going to make Dane dress up as a Hot'n Ready pizza box.

Check for more pics at the AGA website

This could be the last weekend for SDV skatepark (pictured below). To help make the rent their having a jam this Friday, Nov 7th at 5pm. Check their Myspace for all the details.  We'll likely be out there to get in a few runs.  We've only got to ride it one other time and that vert quarter is super smooth.  There has been a change in ownership and they're really trying to make it work. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ghouls Ghosts and Goblins Halloween Jam

A Halloween just wouldn't be complete without some kind of TRP bmx/costume contest/jam.
So be at TRP this Saturday--November 1st--from 6pm to 10pm  and bring $10

Just go to sleep in your costume on Halloween night, wake up and wear it the next day, and then show up to TRP and ride your bike in it. 

It's all sponsored by AGA
Check their website for exact details.

We've been doing more work to the house lately, and after 3,257 trips to Ikea and Home Depot, it's pretty much done.  So we'll be at the contest Saturday, and more than willing to ride.

See you all then!  

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dirt Does Hurt

I really should have known better.  I got it in my itty-bitty brain that I wanted to clear a double and dammit, I was gonna try it regardless of any extenuating circumstances.  In retrospect, I should have tried a different jump first.  I thought about it for like 3 hours, did about 8 bitch runs, and then decided that I would be so pissed at myself on the way home if I didn't try it.  I cranked about half way up to the jump, got decent speed, and then stopped cranking for some reason.  I watched the lip get closer and in my head I was thinking, I should probably be going faster.  By body cleared the jump, in fact I think I landed flat.  Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for my bike.  My worst fear was realized and I nose cased into the back of the landing and then OTB causing a small sandstorm visible from yards away.  Once, I could breathe again and started recognizing the faces looking down at me I realized I was still in one piece.  I actually felt alright and thought about doing it again but decided better of it in the end. I felt a little sore by the time we left Scott's house.  But after sitting in an hour long traffic jam and then driving back for two hours I realized I had hit my shoulder harder than I thought.  When I woke up the day after, I found out I was fucked.  I could hardly turn my head and my shoulder was still throbbing, but at least nothing was broken (i think).  It could have been way worse and at least  I learned that I should keep my ass on the wooden ramps.  I blame everyone else for making that jump look so damn easy.

In all seriousness, despite my disaster attempt at riding dirt, it was an awesome time at birdland.  Much appreciation goes out to Scott, Gail, Noah, and Dylan for letting us come out and shred or at least try to.  Here are some of the pictures from Sunday, for more of buc's photos click HERE.
This one sums up the day nicely.

Fro, performing my dream stunt.  See how I'm watching in awe.

Hatfield in rare form.

Thankfully, everyone was eager to give a hand to keep the jumps smooth.

Jason Burton getting aquatinted.

Buc said it was like a reunion because he got to see so many people he hadn't seen for a while, Bran Block was one of them.

Rusty was super encouraging to me and also one of the first people to help me get up.  He's cool.

Baller took charge of this contraption.  A few years ago, Jeremy came out to TRP super psyched about a new front mag wheel and was sorely disappointed.  Not so this time.

Ground control to Major Moon.

Carmickle with the wind in his hair.

White Lotus aka Luke.

As usual, Stewy killed it and humped it too.

Big Baller and one of my favorite photos on the day.

It's a bird, it's a plane,'s a squirrel!

And, finally...the man who made it all possible.  

On the way home and standing still in traffic, Stewy decided to slip out and have a cig in the bed of the truck.  After some girls in another car bummed a cigarette from him the traffic started moving and he was stuck in the bed of the truck for a few miles.  While he was back there he called us on the phone to remind us he was back there.  Eventually we pulled over and let him back in the car.  

Overall, it was definitely a good day.   Trails make for good times whether you can ride them or not.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Lazy Days

The best sessions happen in half empty parks.  No contest runs or loud music.  Just the sound of Rob fixing a broken lightbulb and two wheels running over metal sheets.  Last Wednesday BUC went up to TRP while I had class and came back with these photos.  Participants included John Reed, Wagel, Scott, Sparks, Kenny, Kris K, Mike, Bayliss, and one other fellow who's name we're not sure of (he's doing the three in the photos below).  It was a really light-hearted session that gave way to some of my favorite light-hearted photos.  Like the session, they're not meant to be taken too seriously, but serve as a decent reminder of why we stay riding even though we just keep getting older.

This Sunday we're heading out to Birdland for the Nationals.  This is a much anticipated trip. Regretfully, we haven't rode any trails this summer so we're making up for our procrastination in the few remaining months before snow.  From looking at the photos, it's clear that Scott and his crew have put in major hours and effort into those trails and it's awesome of them to invite people out to ride them.  Bring your shovels and come out.  And yes, as Scott mentioned on Deliverance, we're bringing along some goodies, although when he said Mr. and Mrs. Newman, I though he was talking about BUC's parents.