To start things off, remember when TRP turned 10!

The only two original patrons in attendance. One is now the owner, and the other a union plumber.
The faces may have changed over the years, but the expressions on those faces are pretty consistent.

X marks the spot and also means 10, HA!

Kris K kept the party going by deliverng pizza to the top of the roller.
The following day, some bands performed and we came away with these goodies.

Buc got there a little late, so we're not sure of the name of the band or this guy, but it's a nice picture. You guys know who you are--let us know.
We actually did get out a couple weeks ago for our first trip to Charlotte this season. I was a little sketchy going to a place that brought me some bad luck last year, but after a few runs in the bowl decided that I still like that park.
We got there and found some good 'ol locals.

Breck, is a mellow local who has that place dialed.

This is TJ another cool local who likes to scare young girls by gapping over them when they least expect it.

Mikey ponders the universe and a line that you couldn't have done when you were 12.

Kyle was there and having a good time as always. We rushed him to get this double peg in front of the pink sky, he obliged.

Angelo with the smith.

When Brad first started riding at TRP, I would just call him the tailwhip kid because he had them wired. I thought he was really shy and quiet, but apparently I was way wrong. This kid is a riot. His trick list is growing pretty quickly as well.

Buc was just testing out the flash here but it worked out. That's Bryan by the way.

Apparently, John Beaurgard has approved this can-can.
As most of you already know, Suchan had a health scare this past month, but has come through ok. Keep him in your thoughts and be sure to tell him to get will soon and get his ass back on that bike!