Most of the ladies in attendance. We took this picture really late and I think we missed a couple people.
L to R: Cindy, Kelly, Crystal, Jessica, Betsy, Maude, Heather, Hanan, Kristin, Jody, Kimix
Front: Nina and Mandy

Jody, the TRP local showing the new comers how it's done.

Rose is rad.

Maude is from Quebec, speaks French, and is unknowingly a big Infantry fan.

Jessica had a big part in putting the whole jam together. She is a cool person and a cool rider. 180 barspin, no problem.

Yours truly, trying to get used to the new frame. I hate riding new parts. I swear, if I could ride the same parts from now on, I totally would. Although, the new frame and I are starting off on a good foot.

I've seen lots of pictures of Betsy but never met her until this past weekend. She's super smooth.

Mandy from Toronto.

Nina Smith. Actually it's Buitrago.
Although the session was mostly about the ladies, the boys didn't do too bad.

Will does barrel rolls over the box that would even look gnarly in a video game.

Stewy put on a show. Buc has a new flash set-up and was super psyched on this pic of Stewy's pocket tuck-no hander.

Late into the session Stewy went to work on this enormous transfer from the mini (that's right, the mini, not the spine) to the box landing. He 270'd it also, because a lookback alone is for amateurs.

Stewy even bails like a superhero. Notice the clean hand formations.
An awesome time was had by all and all the girl's appreciate all the support. Everytime we have an event like this, I get to know everyone better and wind up liking them even more. Girl riders are a special breed. There will be another Girl's Ride Free Weekend at Ray's starting Febuary 20th. You should be there.
There are plenty more picture from the WOF JAM on our Flickr. Click it and enjoy, feel free to comment!
Just a reminder.
Ricky turns 30 this weekend at TRP.
Ricky and his wife Patti are two of the nicest people you could meet. They have a daughter, Rayna, and another bun in the oven. Ricky's a shredder, you should come out to TRP and ring in his 3rd decade.