These pics span a couple different days.
Wagel's been working on this for a while and has got it clean now.
That's Bryan up there in the light, I like this photo!
Jamie is textbook.
Carmickle's name is Matt.
I think this is the Modern session last Thursday, it's too expensive on Sunday.
Chipper is Buc's new muse.
Chipper over the hipper.
At some point during the session (not sure if it was before or after this) Jeff Tabb fell hard and dislocated his shoulder. You would think that ended his session, but he just kept on going after a 5 minute recoop.
Kevin built this contraptions and then he bunny hopped over it.
It was good to see Ed again, it's been a long time.
Brad's got tailwhip airs.
Here are some of the better photos from the Monster Contest. Overall it went really well, despite getting a little hectic in the last bmx heat. The turnout was huge and it was good to see a skate and bike contest go well in the same park on the same day. The Monster Army now has two new recruits from the TRP clan.
Malcolm was impressive.
Allen may have dislocated his hip to tweak this x-up cancan.
Will's pretty much dialed most of the big flip variations. Later in the contest he went to work on a front flip and hit the ceiling harder than anybody I've every seen hit the ceiling. He went super high. We would have a picture of it but Buc had to go out and move his truck for Aunt Millie--that bitch!
Rhesse did some huge transfers including this 360 from the box lip to the quarter thingy.
Stewy and Thorne have the same eyes, it's a little freaky. Anyway, Stewy is the newest member of the Monster army and has access to all the Monster he could want (like he needs it).
In other news, we are actually going somewhere different to ride, it's a miracle. A weekend road trip that actually involves more than one skatepark.

We're going to Chenga 57 on Saturday Feb. 21st, and then over to Rays on Sunday the 22nd. We haven't been to Rays yet this winter so we're totally past due. Our truck is full but anybody interested in getting the caravan going let us know.