First, let's get a pretty big announcement out of the way. Rick Thorne has been in steady contact with Suchan to put this event together.

The biker in black and monster are going on a huge tour to find a rider to sponsor. They'll be at TRP on FEBRUARY 6th. Not sure of start time or entrance fee yet. So check back soon.
Ok, back to business. Here are the pics from Ricky's 30th Birthday. I've had the cold from hell for the last week, so regrettably I wasn't able to make it out. But buc brought back these goodies and it looks like I missed a good session complete with vintage bmx equipment.

Bryan learned no-foot cans.

Blake has dialed turndown's.

Chris Hershey is his name,I think I've called him a bunch of other things besides that, sorry:-(

Ricky's 30 and still kickin!

Aaron was responsible for resurrecting these mags. The frame was only 18 inches long but everyone adjusted nicely.

Otto remembers mag wheels like it was yesterday.

I don't think buc will be purchasing an 18 inch frame any time soon, but at least he didn't smoosh it. Thanks to Bryan for the pic.

This might have been the first time this bike was whipped.

Everyone in attendance.
I think these are from another day at TRP, but still good photos.

Terry looking back on the lost days of his youth.

Vinnie was briefly back in town, long enough to show how many new stunts he's acquired on the road.
We did manage to make it to the Modern session the last Thursday. It just so happens that it was table day.



Davey Coop.

Should this still be called a table? That's Jamie by the way.
Scott was in town on rep duties, but it was awesome to have a good old Modern session with him in the building.
Boomer was there as well, another good rider we haven't seen in a while.

Chipper got this one in as the buzzer rang.
We'll end this update on this one. Kyle did pull it, just not this time.
I hope you noticed that the updates are coming a little more often with more pictures in each one. Buc's got a new camera and flash set up, and I just got CS4. So be patient while we adjust but all the new stuff is making it much easier to update, and hopefully it's making the site more enjoyable.
Speaking of making the site more enjoyable. We're trying to get together some kind of Veteran road trip. We're thinking Ohio to Kentucky and back. Or maybe Missouri. Any better ideas? Give us a comment and let us know.