The best sessions happen in half empty parks. No contest runs or loud music. Just the sound of Rob fixing a broken lightbulb and two wheels running over metal sheets. Last Wednesday BUC went up to TRP while I had class and came back with these photos. Participants included John Reed, Wagel, Scott, Sparks, Kenny, Kris K, Mike, Bayliss, and one other fellow who's name we're not sure of (he's doing the three in the photos below). It was a really light-hearted session that gave way to some of my favorite light-hearted photos. Like the session, they're not meant to be taken too seriously, but serve as a decent reminder of why we stay riding even though we just keep getting older.

This Sunday we're heading out to Birdland for the Nationals. This is a much anticipated trip. Regretfully, we haven't rode any trails this summer so we're making up for our procrastination in the few remaining months before snow. From looking at the photos, it's clear that Scott and his crew have put in major hours and effort into those trails and it's awesome of them to invite people out to ride them. Bring your shovels and come out. And yes, as Scott mentioned on Deliverance, we're bringing along some goodies, although when he said Mr. and Mrs. Newman, I though he was talking about BUC's parents.